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Articles related to "Offshore Investment"

1 - 10 of 41 results
Second passport countries are attracting property wealth
Rising crime levels and security concerns coupled with health concerns have forced many to consider second residency and citizenship programs.
Rebooting the Mauritian economy – The Budget for 2021 - 2022
Government authorities have spared no effort in revitalising the economy. What are some of the steps that have been taken?
Uptick in sales in luxury residential property market in Nairobi, Kenya
The Kenyan property sector has continued to be resilient with some decent property activity being recorded. What is actually happening?
Building a successful property portfolio
Diversification is a key wealth strategy, but what should consumers invest in?
Finding the funds for foreign property investments
With the current volatility of the rand, many middle-income South Africans are contemplating foreign investments.
African buyers are investing in South African property
Investors from the rest of Africa are investing in property in South Africa for a variety of reasons.
Property continues to be a prime target for global investors
The appetite for property continues to thrive globally as equity markets may be making high net worth investors nervous. There was a staggering 56% increase in property investment in 2017.
Tips and tricks for creating property wealth
Investing in property is a good way to create wealth provided your strategy is well thought out. Here are some factors to bear in mind.
Getting to know the Australian property market
Being die-hard, would-be, proud South Africans, Australia is often a touchy point. There are those who have lost friends or family to a life Down Under, others who have secretly smiled to see ...
Digging deeper into Australian property investments
Low interest rates, a strong economy, and a residential market that has burgeoned over the last 10 years are just some of the reasons one may take a look at the Australian property market ...