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Articles related to "AGM"

1 - 10 of 21 results
HOAs also need professional managers
Homeowners’ Associations (HOA) have a responsibility to preside over real estate matters. Why do they need professional managers?
Prioritising Female Leadership in Property
The property industry is led by capable men and women who provide much needed leadership. How much are women contributing in this regard?
A Guide to Acquiring Your First Investment Property
Investing in property is a great way to grow your investment portfolio. Here's what you need to consider when acquiring your first investment property.
Covid 19: What to do about sectional title AGM's
This time of year is AGM season for many sectional title schemes. Here's what to do about these, in the midst of Covid-19 concerns.
The importance of levy payments
Many sectional title schemes have problems with owners not paying their levies. This is why paying your levy is not negotiable.
Understanding your rights to common property in sectional titles
One of the most frequent causes of friction between residents in Sectional Title schemes is misuse of the common property, so it is important to understand how it works.
How to get out of fines in estates and complexes
Breaking the rules in a complex or estate can lead to a fine, but are you obligated to pay it?
High Court ruling has big implications for gated estates
A recent court ruling regarding traffic enforcement and movement of domestic workers has set the cat amongst the pigeons as far as estate living goes.
How the voting procedures at sectional title meetings have changed
The process for voting at sectional title meetings has changed according to the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act.
How trustees are nominated and elected in sectional title schemes
As the owner of a sectional title property, becoming a trustee is a good way to keep your finger on the pulse of your property scheme’s maintenance and expenses.