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Articles related to "HOA"

1 - 10 of 32 results
How Home Owners’ Associations (HOAs) can cut costs and boost income
Prudent financial management is a key aspect of property management. This is how Home Owners’ Associations (HOAs) can do this.
HOAs also need professional managers
Homeowners’ Associations (HOA) have a responsibility to preside over real estate matters. Why do they need professional managers?
Swift action needed now to collect arrear levies
Sectional Title (ST) schemes and Home Owners' Associations (HOA's) in South Africa will soon experience financial issues if levy payments aren't paid up to date.
How to deal with HOA levy defaulters
The legalities of dealing with homeowners who default on their levies.
Can your HOA prevent your home sale?
If you are buying property in an estate or cluster complex run by an HOA, you might not be able to resell your property without the approval of the HOA.
Freehold vs Sectional Title and Body Corporate vs HOA's explained
If you are about to buy, or already reside in an estate, you need to understand how and by what, the common areas are managed.
Constitution and community schemes
Recent rulings with regards to gated estates should make HOA's think twice before imposing fines.
Are your body corporate rules reasonable?
Which rules are reasonable, and which are not, in a Homeowner Association (HOA) and body corporate.
Insurance policy renewals in sectional title schemes
Why insurance policies in sectional titles need to be renewed and what should be included.
Parking in a sectional title
How to deal with parking issues in a sectional title scheme.