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Articles related to "NHBRC"

1 - 10 of 35 results
Why you should employ professionals for your home maintenance
There are several good reasons for employing only qualified, registered contractors such as plumbers and electricians to carry out work on your home.
Future landscape of the property sector
Two property Bills have recently been signed into law. Here's what these mean for the property market..
Ask these questions before buying into a development
Many first time buyers will be considering homes in developments and they need to ask the developers some probing questions before making a commitment.
Advice for building a new home
Taking on a building project may seem daunting, but if you do your homework beforehand and keep following up throughout the construction phase, you can make it work.
Buying a home off-plan
Buying a brand new home off-plan directly from a developer can be a daunting prospect, but the advantages are significant and the risks negligible - if you do your homework.
How credible is your builder?
When you are about to spend five-figure Rands (or more) on a new home build, you need some reassurance that the home builder you appoint has the right credentials.
The difference between home loans and building loans
There are differences between applying for an ordinary home loan and a loan granted by the bank for construction or renovation of a property.
The pros and cons of buying development property
Developments are springing up everywhere to cater for the demand for new properties. As with any property purchase, there are pros and cons to choosing a new property over an existing one.
Tips for buying a property to renovate
Many buyers on a tight budget consider buying an older house and fixing it up. If you’re considering doing this, here are some pointers on buying a house to renovate.
What to consider before building a home
Ease some of the stress of building your first home with Nedbanks helpful tips on what to consider before taking the plunge.