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Articles related to "Braai"

1 - 10 of 13 results
Movie night is a must
Make family screen times a regular part of your weekly routine. How can this be done?
Braai rooms maintenance guidelines
Braai rooms can be maintained and upgraded with ease by following simple guidelines. What works and what doesn't?
The Best Braai Wood for a Perfect Flame
Wood is a reliable and popular option when it comes to braai fire. What are the options available?
Delicious autumn recipes
Seasons come and go but every season comes with a need to be well fed.Which recipes are worth considering in autumn?
How to Braai: Top 5 Tips to Impress a Man
A braai is a great moment to connect and catch up with family and friends. How can you host an impressive braai?
The Coolest Braai Area Ideas for Your Home
A good braai area can be arranged by considering certain key factors. Which ones are these?
Braai like a champ
It's that time of the year again, when every South African comes together to eat, celebrate life and to fellowship around the braai. It's Heritage Day a.k.a National Braai Day.
10 tips for when the lights go out
Although the threat of load shedding seems to have faded for now, it’s always a good idea to stay prepared. Here are 10 ways you can stay load shedding-ready.
Rules for smoking or braaiing in Sectional Title schemes
The Sectional Title Schemes Management act is a breath of fresh air for residents that are bothered by their neighbour’s smoke.
Hot braai tips
Learn how you can become a natural born griller with these scorching braai tips.