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Articles related to "Government"

1 - 10 of 108 results
Simplify estate agent qualifications for transformation, REBOSA calls on government
REBOSA would like the government to transform the real estate industry by making it much simpler to qualify real estate interns in the industry.
South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners Response to Supplementary Budget
The South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners (SAIBPP) has expressed serious concern with the recently presented Supplementary Budget.
Land expropriation update
Homeowner concerns around land expropriation and what this could mean for you.
Medium term budget sounds warning bells
With the economy in crisis, many South African property owners will have little choice but to hang on to their investments and hope the government’s proposed remedial actions start to gain traction.
The state of the economy
A reality check from economists at four major banks on the state of South Africa's economy and what this means for homeowners.
How the City of Johannesburg’s future is being forged
City of Johannesburg (COJ) Mayor, Herman Mashaba, talked exclusively to Private Property, about the value and growth of the inner city’s residential spaces and path towards rejuvenation.
Beyond SONA: the status quo of the Land Expropriation Bill
How the President will be dealing with Land Expropriation going forward.
SONA debrief a property industry perspective
A property professional takes a look at the salient points from last night's State of the Nation Address.
Real estate experts weigh in on the elections
Now that the elections are over, real estate practitioners have dusted off their crystal balls and give us their opinion on the future of the property market.
Do provincial election outcomes affect property market?
Two property consultants confirm that it is not provincial elections that cause semigration, rather it is the performance of individual municipalities.