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Articles related to "Land Rights"

1 - 10 of 44 results
Residential property court battles: what property practitioners need to know
Property legal challenges can arise in any market. This is what property practitioners need to know.
Expropriation bill update
A controversial land expropriation bill is one step closer to becoming law. What is the state of affairs?
What are your property rights after marriage?
Marriage alters how you manage your affairs, including finances and property ownership. So what are your rights after being married?
New Property Act comes into effect on 1st February
The new Property Practitioner’s Act 2019 will come into effect on 1st February. What does it contain?
Ways to resolve neighbour disputes
Homeowners can select their home, but they cannot select their neighbours.
The most insane property boom of the century!
The property sector has continued to adapt to changing dynamics and digital innovations. Virtual property acquisitions powered by blockchain are the newest thing.
City dwellers are moving to country areas
While the market indicators are showing that city dwellers are moving to country areas,It is important to make sure countryside living is for you before you sell your city home.
What are the legalities of running a business from home?
Everything you need to know about what the law says about owning a home-based business.
Land expropriation Amendment hearings
The country is currently in the third round of public hearings on the proposed Amendment to the Constitution of S25, related to land expropriation.
Land expropriation update
Homeowner concerns around land expropriation and what this could mean for you.