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Articles related to "Body Corporate"

1 - 10 of 106 results
South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners (SAIBPP) - open to all
South African Institute of Black Property Practitioners (SAIBPP) firmly believes in business linkages and networking. What’s being done in this regard?
How to negotiate annual levy increases
Top tips on how to make sure that your yearly levy increase isn't too high through the process of negotiation.
Factors to consider before purchasing an apartment
Buying an apartment is a huge decision, which is why you need to consider multiple factors before signing on the dotted line.
Everything you need to know about renting and owning property with pets
Getting a pet means knowing how to navigate various rules and regulations that may be set ut by your landlord or body corporate.
Covid 19: What to do about sectional title AGM's
This time of year is AGM season for many sectional title schemes. Here's what to do about these, in the midst of Covid-19 concerns.
10 reasons to use a managing agent
Some of the most important services provided by a managing agent.
Sectional title vs freehold property
The pros and cons of sectional title living versus buying a freehold home. There are considerable differences with regard to investing in the two types of properties.
Golden rules for WhatsApp communities
WhatsApp groups are proving increasingly more important for the dissemination of news that affects housing/street/suburb communities, but they can be difficult to manage.
Freehold vs Sectional Title and Body Corporate vs HOA's explained
If you are about to buy, or already reside in an estate, you need to understand how and by what, the common areas are managed.
Constitution and community schemes
Recent rulings with regards to gated estates should make HOA's think twice before imposing fines.