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Articles related to "Mandate"

1 - 10 of 41 results
New Property Act comes into effect on 1st February
The new Property Practitioner’s Act 2019 will come into effect on 1st February. What does it contain?
Agent psychology for the ‘divorced house’
Selling a home as a divorced or divorcing couple can be a delicate and emotionally involving matter. What’s the best way to go about it?
A sole mandate helps you sell in a buyer's market
Selling in a buyer's market may come with challenges. Here's how to overcome them.
Signing a sole mandate for selling your home
How do you plan on selling your home? We outline why signing a sole mandate for selling your home benefits you and the buyer.
Multi-list your home to access a wider pool of buyers
Multi-listing, the practice of the ‘buddying-up’ agents, under a sole-mandated agent, may be yet another solution for buyers and sellers of residential properties.
Why should you sign a sole mandate?
It is often far more effective to sign a sole mandate and allow one agent the space to secure the best sale.
Estate agents and mandates matter
Why estate agents and mandates matter to property buyers and sellers both.
What do estate agents actually do?
Many people wonder exactly what it is that estate agents do other than advertise homes for sale and take prospective buyers to view them.
Go from selling to sold in 5 steps
In the current buyers market it is important to have a plan in place for selling your home. This 5 step guide for first-time sellers will help you sell your property.
What your estate agent should – and shouldn’t do
It’s vital to choose the right estate agent to sell your home. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when engaging an agent.