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Articles related to "Show Days"

1 - 10 of 112 results
How to brighten your home's appearance to attract potential buyers
Your home needs to be in perfect condition to grab the attention of buyers. This is how you can make your home shine on show days.
Essential tips for property sellers
Selling a property is a process which requires a critical understanding. This is what you need to know.
The guide to selling your home privately in South Africa
Our “How to” guide on selling your property privately in South Africa will relieve some of the stress by providing you with all the help and information that you need.
Essential questions to ask before you start your home search
Searching for an ideal home is an important step in making the right property purchasing decision. Which questions should be asked?
The event provides South African property practitioners with an opportunity to explore the latest trends and technologies transforming the property industry...
17 Top secrets for selling a home fast
Sellers need to pull out all the stops to make their properties stand out from the competition and ensure it doesn’t languish on the market interminably.
What will the show day of the future look like?
Many of the protocols around COVIS-19 will likely continue, and this will forever change the landscape of the property show day.
Virtual show houses - the new way forward
When open houses just won’t work, like in many areas of the world battling COVID-19 right now, it may come time to host a virtual open house instead.
Home staging: a way out of long listing periods
A tastefully furnished home is easier to market and sell than an empty one.
Hygiene tips for your Show Day
Making sure your property is spick and span for Show Day is important, but there’s a big difference between fluffing the cushions and conducting a deep clean.