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Articles related to "Flat Hunting"

1 - 10 of 78 results
Spruce up your home with new floor tiles
Here are some tips for selecting the most suitable floor tile materials, colours, sizes and finishes.
Small courtyards ideas for all seasons
Turn your courtyard into a special place where you'll want to spend time in all seasons.
How to move house like a pro for less
Moving homes can be a stressful and expensive process for many. How can you can move like a pro without unnecessary stress?
Post-lockdown rental market boom
The residential market will boom once the full Lockdown is lifted in terms of activity, but rental rates will come under tremendous pressure according to the Seeff Property Group.
Your lockdown property questions answered
The experts answer your frequently asked property-related questions for the Covid-19 lockdown.
Rules for rentals during lockdown
The lockdown situation has left many tenants and landlords in precarious positions. Adrian Goslett provides advice on payment and credit scores in this article.
Lockdown plans for tenants and landlords
How your lease could change during the lockdown in South Africa.
A step-by-step guide for the property renting process
A step-by-step guide to lead you through the renting process, allowing you to make the best renting decisions.
Renters guide: How to deal with the deposit
The ins and outs of how a rental deposit should be handled.
Renters guide: Getting your ducks in a row
The first steps to getting yourself ready for renting a home.